

Cloudbookに記載されている「Seven Business Models」を原文のままご紹介致します。下図をご覧頂くだけでも、ソフトウェア・ビジネス・モデルの変遷を理解する助けになることと存じます。

Today, as the software industry undergoes a major transformation to an on-demand model, it’s important to understand the seven potential business models before deciding if they are a Vice or a Virtue. You will hear some say, “We can’t move to a software on demand model, the sales guys will never be able to sell it,” while others will talk endlessly about the virtues of the on-demand model and how, “It’ll be great to not have to wonder if this quarter we’ll close that big deal at midnight on December 31.” Some companies operate in only one model; others have products that operate in multiple models. To add some concreteness to the examples, we’ll start from the perspective of a traditional enterprise software model.


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